Founded in 1996, Interview International is an independent company, designed as a commando,

and able to meet the expectations of the market in terms of external and internal communication of industrial companies and construction, French and international.

The competence of the people who make up the team, their professional experience and their taste for the technical fields allow Interview International to claim a unique qualitative image, since it integrates equally the essential notions of reflection, production, service and price. Our strongest belief is that a soulless business today, will be a doomed business tomorrow.

Contact us to establish the strategy that will boost your brand.

Our Agency offers you a complete range of services
and will know how to make your company evolve.

Only one thing to do: Give us a call!

15 rue Martin Luther, 67000, Strasbourg, France.


Phone number: +33 (0)3 88 15 55 88

How can we help you?